
Welcome to Germany 2022-2023!


Class Information

This year your class teacher is Mr Rainey and you will be supported by our wonderful teaching assistant Mrs Balls.  Please speak to any of us and keep us updated with any news about your child that might affect their ability to learn.  We’re a friendly bunch, so please come and say hello!

Year-1-Timetable-2023 to 2024


Attendance is so important in Class Germany as we love to win fantastic prizes for our excellent attendance.  Please ensure you are in school to access our fabulous learning.  This will ensure you do not miss any of our exciting lessons or activities.

Water bottles

Please remember to bring in your school water bottle every day. Water is so important to keep our brains working and soaking up all that new knowledge! Water bottles will be sent home every night to be washed and refilled ready for the next day.

Topic Work

In Year One, we explore History, Geography, DT and Art through our topics various topics.  In the Autumn we explore Toys; in Spring we explore Poles Apart and in Summer term Flight.  Please keep looking at our

Germany have PE every Thursday.

Please make sure that your child comes to school in their PE kit.


Germany will receive their homework every Friday. It will consist of Phonics homework which follow sounds we have been learning in class. Children should also be visiting Numbots and Times table Rock Stars as part of their homework. The more tasks you complete the more Dojos you will be awarded with.

We love to read in Year 1 and are so happy when children tell us about their favourite books. To improve your child’s reading it is so important to read with them every day, even 5 minutes can make all the difference. Really focus on asking questions about their book as this will help them with their reading comprehension. Children should bring their book bags everyday to school so reading records can be checked. Books will be changed every Friday.


Keep up to date with all of our latest news by following our twitter @GSPSGermany

Long Term Plan Year 1

Germany Tweets

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